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Fostering self-sufficiency

Our projects foster self-sufficiency at the community level, empowering Tigrayans as change agents, and developing successful collaborations with local and international partners.

Humanitarian Aid




Skills Trainings

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We provide critical humanitarian aid to Tigrayans affected by the war on Tigray that started in 2020. As many as 500,000 Tigrayans are reported dead from the war and man-made famine, making the war in Tigray, the current deadliest war in the world. 

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Why Humanitarian Aid?

Since Nov 2020, Tigrayans have been experiencing war crimes daily. There have been 283 documented group massacres, over 120,000 women and girls have been sexually violated, whilst more than 85% of the 7 million population is experiencing imposed starvation. 2.3 million children needed emergency life-saving assistance shortly after the war started and, due to the humanitarian aid blockade by the government of Ethiopia and its allies for more than 17 months, the need is growing exponentially

So far we've built 33% of all schools in Tigray. 

Join our efforts to provide learning opportunities to Tigray
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Why Education?

Since the war in 2020, primary and secondary schools throughout Tigray have been shelled and looted. Higher education institutions, such as Mekelle University, Meles Academy University, and Shire University have also been targeted by militarized violence. Many schools have been looted, set on fire, occupied, and bombed. For example, laboratory equipment and computers from Axum University were stolen by Eritrean forces before the school was deliberately destroyed by fires and bombed. 

So far we've built 33% of all schools in Tigray. 

Join our efforts to provide learning opportunities to Tigray
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We build quality infrastructure in order to provide students with learning environments that have adequate space and materials to foster learning. All TDA partner schools are public schools owned and operated by government entities and community members.

TDA has built 33% of schools in Tigray

46% of females in Tigray have no education

33% of males in Tigray have no education

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Prior to the war, we built hospitals, health centers, clinics, and health posts. We also provided resources to multiple health facilities. Today, our focus is on making sure medical aid and equipment reach Tigray.

Population density: 140/km2 (370/sq mi)

Why Health?

During the war on Tigray, Tigrayan hospitals and clinics have been struck by artillery or looted of their equipment, medications, and other essential items. A March 2021 report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) found that 70 percent of health facilities they visited in Tigray had been vandalized and had their equipment looted. The extent of the vandalization led MSF to assert that these were deliberate attacks that were intended to make health facilities non-functional.

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Skills Building

Why Skills Building?

Capacity building is critical to foster self-sufficiency at the community level, empower Tigrayans as change agents, and bring sustainable change. Capacity building is now, more than ever, needed in order to rebuild what Tigrayans lost during the war.

Skills Building

Prior to the war, we offered capacity-building trainings to farmers, unemployed youth, and veterans. We also trained teachers, principals, health professionals, and parents. 

Training Farmers

Training Educators

Training the Youth

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Prior to the war, we collected, bought, and donated educational books, computers, laboratory kits, and much more. Today our focus is on collecting resources that can help rebuild Tigray at the grassroots level. 

Why Resources?

Since the war started in 2020, there has been widespread pillaging and looting, often reaching systematic asset-stripping. Ethiopian federal forces in the region have taken cash from banks, government offices, microfinance institutions, and agricultural and water offices, almost all of which belong to the Tigrayan regional government or people. 

Plan & Design

Build & Equip

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Our Approach

Every project is carefully assessed and planned to ensure that our efforts are needed, have a long-lasting impact, and empower the people of Tigray. 


Research & scout communities


Engage with local  & international partners 


Train, build and provide resources


Provide ongoing support

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Let's make Tigrai prosperous and free from poverty.

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3717 Georgia Ave, NW Washington, DC 20010

 Tigray Development Association in North America is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 52-1666534) under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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