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Dedicate your Birthday

To Saving Lives

Birthday Fundraisers

Organizing a birthday fundraiser to support a cause or organization you care about is a popular way to give back on your special day. It works by selecting a cause or nonprofit organization for which you want to generate funds, then asking friends and family to forego birthday gifts in favor of donating to your charity drive.


Fundraising Page


Use Facebook

Happy Birthday!! It's your special day! To celebrate, support Tigray Development Association in North America, and help save lives through Facebook. Facebook fundraisers make it simple to help friends, family, and organizations close to your heart.

How to Get Started

Request Matching Gift

1. Sign in to your Facebook account (or create one here

2. From your desktop, on the left side column, click on "See more" then click on "Fundraisers". Or, from your mobile browser, click on the   +   sign then click on "Fundraiser

3.  Select "Nonprofit" and search for  Tigray Development Association in North America.


4. Set an amount for your fundraiser and make the day after your birthday, the deadline date for the fundraiser. Usually, fundraisers with a goal of collecting $200-$500 tend to do well. 

4. ​Ask your Facebook friends to participate in your fundraiser and share the fundraiser often, and that's it!

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Fundraisers are 100% tax-deductible 

The great thing about birthday fundraisers to TDA through Facebook have no fees to organizations like ours, have high visibility and are tax-deductible

How to get started

1. Click on the " Start a Birthday Fundraiser" button below and fill out the form

2. In a few minutes, you'll receive an email in your mailbox. Click on "Create Your Account and Get Started!" and set up your password

3.  Once you're logged in, click on "Accept Invitation"


4. Set an amount for your fundraiser, add a description, add images, and make the day after your birthday the deadline for the fundraiser.

4. ​Ask your friends and family to participate in your fundraiser and share the fundraiser often, and that's it!

Custom Fundraising Page

Do you prefer to do a birthday fundraiser outside of Facebook? If so, we can help you create a fundraising page at no cost to you. Just reach out to us by filling out the form and we'll create an online fundraiser for you.

Other Ways to Fundraise

Matching Gift Drive

Most companies match their employees' donations at no cost. Ask for a matching gift. 

Request Matching Gift

Online Shopping

Sign up so online stores like Amazon donate a percentage of their revenue at no cost to you.

Sign Up Today

Donate Your Birthday

Use your favorite day of the year to change the lives of Tigrayans. 

Your Own Fundraiser

Have a fundraising idea to support TDA? Let us know and we will support you.

Create a Fundraiser

Stream for TDA

Create a fundraising campaign on streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch.

Stream to Fundraise
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